
Feb 1, 20224 min read
What are the best ways to hack confidence?
What are the best ways to hack confidence? In this blog post, I share a few things that work for me! I hope this helps!
52 views2 comments

Oct 21, 20203 min read
My Studiobricks sound insulation booth experience
I hope this short article will help you if you are on the edge of purchasing a recording booth, and I wish you happy future recordings!
1,155 views6 comments

Aug 24, 20182 min read
Plus de limites pour mon jeux de comédienne !
Un client m'a récemment contacté pour réaliser un grand projet voix-off pour une formation en ligne en anglais et en français. Je suis...
53 views0 comments

Aug 24, 20183 min read
No more self-limiting beliefs for this French speaking American Voice over actress!
Remember that life is a journey, not a destination. If you make a mistake, accept it, accept yourself, learn from it, and then move on.
121 views1 comment

Jun 19, 20184 min read
10 conseils pour aider votre carrière voix off
Si vous débutez dans l'industrie de la voix off ou si vous pensez que la voix off pourrait être fait pour vous, voici quelques conseils...
203 views0 comments

Jun 19, 20184 min read
10 tips to help your voice over career
If you are just starting out in the voice over industry or if you think that voice over might be for you, here are some tips that I hope...
108 views0 comments